already know that oil prices are lower than they have been in a long time, in
part because U.S. oil production is higher than it has ever been and still
climbing steeply. You might not know
that there is more oil coming out of the ground than can be stored or refined.
Right now crude oil cannot be exported, only refined oil products can be
exported. It takes years to build a new
refinery, so you have to wonder how long these conditions will last before they
either allow crude oil to be exported or production of oil grinds to a halt.

then you see the purple line, which tracks the number of active oil rigs that
are out there looking for new sources of oil.
The last quarter of 2014 and the first few months of this year have
created a dramatic bear market for drilling rigs in action. In just two fiscal quarters, the number of
rigs in the field has dropped almost by half, and there is no sign that the
trend is slowing down.
does that mean? Nothing in the short
term, since the orange line represents existing production, but longer-term,
you have to expect one of two things to happen:
1. That fewer active rigs will mean fewer
new wells and at the very least a leveling out of oil production.
2. Oil companies will start to lobby Washington for the right to export
their excess oil production.
prices may be down today, but if oil companies have their way that doesn’t mean supplies will outrun demand
forever. Enjoy your lower gas prices
while you can.
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